A child who listens:

• To directions without interrupting;
• To stories and poems for five to ten minutes

A child who hears:

• Words that rhyme;
• Words that begin with the same sound or different sounds.

A child who sees:

• Likenesses and differences in pictures and designs;
• Letters and words that match.

A child who understands:

• The relationship inherent in such words as up and down, top and bottom,over and under, little and big;
• The classification of words that represent people, places, and things.

A child who speaks clearly and can:

• Stay on the topic in class discussions;
• Retell a story or poem in correct sequence;
• Tell a story or relate an experience of his/her own.

A child who thinks and can:

• Give the main idea of a story;
• Give unique ideas and important details;
• Give reasons for his/her opinions.

A child who adjusts:

• To changes in routine and to new situations without becoming fearful;
• To opposition or defeat without crying or sulking;
• To the necessity of asking for help when needed.

A child who obeys:

• Classroom rules as established by the teacher;
• Safety rules on playground and school bus;
• Fire drill rules quickly and quietly.

A child who plays:

• Cooperatively with other children;
• Shares, takes turns, and assumes a share of group responsibility;
• Can run, jump, skip, and bounce a ball with comparative dexterity.

A child who works:

• Without being easily distracted;
• And follows directions;
• And completes each task;
• And takes pride in his/her work.

Since 1971 serving millions of families in the United States and around the world

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